тур группы Scooter - 2008
Контакты |
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22:00 Scooter crew soundcheck
23:00 Dancecore United/DJ Hooligan Live soundcheck
23:10 Happy Weekend
01:10 U.L.A.
03:00 Oksana Pochepa
03:30 Dancecore United incl. DJ OK :) & DJ Hooligan Live-performance
04:30 DJ Filter |
Finally lights was turn off & we have listen to intro sounds...
I haven't see Berlin concert yet, so all was very special for me
now! And I haven't put in my mind tracklist which was on the stage.
(3Mb) |
Rick & Michael appears on the keyboards & H.P. run to the stage with
microphone. It begins!!!
(71Mb) |
I feel myself limke go-go dancer :)
I dance at the 2nd floor left from the scene :)
Finally me with my friends jumping all over 2nd floor :)
Closer to us was
Jens Thele who sometimes go out from
Scooter dressing-room & saw the concert. |
Outstanding atmosphere! When H.P. talk with the crowd: crowd was more louder
than H.P. with microphone! It was very impressive! |
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(48Mb) |
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I looked on concert rght from this positionи. But I have a good features! I
have many place to dance! |
(12 Mb) |
(49 Mb) |
Concert takes
1,5 hours! After last track group go up stаirs.
We called him & thanks him for the show :) |
Some after Sheffield Jumpers are go to
the dancefloor. |
give their cards to everybody, make photos. |
Some minutes after Dancecore United & DJ OK :)
go to the stage. |
I was jumping at the stage all 30-minute set,
then I took microphone & breaking fast & energetic music set
:) |
I said some words & sing our MainstreaM
single! |
It was
unbelievable, that some people at dancefloor tried to copy my dance
moves! :) |
At the hall I've met many familiar Scootrer fans
(about 100). Somebody, which I knew personally,
somebody I knew by Internet, even those who visit me in Saratov or live
in Saratov, but I never met them in my home city. |
And many more people whom I don't know, but they knows me :) We discuss
the concert & related things with fans. |
Thank you for everyone who make
my dreams come true! |
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All photo & video is
of scootertechno.ru You can use them only if you will
point the source -
Denis ZHabkin aka DJ Hooligan
You cannot use information or pictures from this site without my permission |